Steiner House

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  3. Steiner House
Events at this venue

Navigating a Pandemic with Astrology – Marcos Patchett

Steiner House 35 Park Road, London, United Kingdom
Hybrid Hybrid Event
Medical and horary astrologer Marcos Patchett shares his astrological analysis of the recent COVID pandemic as it unfolded in real-time, including his use of astrology to make personal medical decisions, guide clients and patients, and develop treatment strategies. 
Get Tickets £6.00 – £9.00

The 7th House – Carole Taylor

Steiner House 35 Park Road, London, United Kingdom
Hybrid Hybrid Event
The 7th house is much more than just the house of long-term relationship. It reveals a shadow element which we discover through encounters with others and in the journey towards individuation. This talk will explore the odyssey of the 7th house and how it shapes our lives, including its role in astrological consultancy and client work.
Get Tickets £6.00 – £9.00

Azimene Degrees and Past Lives – Wanda Sellar

Steiner House 35 Park Road, London, United Kingdom
Hybrid Hybrid Event
Traditionally certain degrees in the chart are designated Lame and Deficient, which sound quite unfortunate, and often are, if accompanied by difficult planets and aspects. But what have they to do with past lives? Come and discover the connection.
Get Tickets £6.00 – £9.00