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Jews and Astrology: “Born under a Lucky Star”

Hybrid Hybrid Event
18:00: Astrological Chart Discussion 18:45: Break 19:15: Jews and Astrology: “Born under a Lucky Star”: Helen Jacobus Helen will give the historical background to the interest in the zodiac amongst Jews from antiquity to the 20th century. She will show evidence of the practice of astrology for life cycle events in European Jewish communities in the […]
£6 – £9

Event Series Free Beginners Astrology Classes

Week 1 – The Planets (Part 1)

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Explore the meanings of the Sun, Moon, and planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) in astrology. The first class in this series will discuss the significance of each planet, its symbolism, and the influence this has on an individual’s personality and life events.
Event Series Free Beginners Astrology Classes

Week 2 – The Planets (Part 2)

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Continue to explore the meanings of the Sun, Moon, and planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) in astrology. The second class will continue the previous week’s discussion regarding the significance of each planet, its symbolism, and the influence this has on an individual’s personality and life events.

Gann’s Master Forecasting Cycle: Olga Morales

Steiner House 35 Park Road, London, United Kingdom
Virtual Event Hybrid Event
18:00 Chart Discussion 18:45 Tea Break 19:00 Gann’s Master Forecasting Cycle: Olga Morales Delve into the innovative techniques pioneered by W.D. Gann, where celestial patterns meet market trends. Uncover the secrets of astrological insights that have influenced trading strategies and forecasting methods. Please note: This is a hybrid event taking place at Steiner House and […]
£6.00 – £9.00

Event Series Free Beginners Astrology Classes

Week 3 – The Zodiac Signs (Part 1)

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Learn about the 12 zodiac signs, their elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water), and modalities (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable). The third class will include a detailed discussion on the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of each zodiac sign and provide an understanding of how elements and modalities influence personality traits.

The Draconic Bowl: Alan Annand

Virtual Event Virtual Event
19:15 The Draconic Bowl: Alan Annand All of the visible planets occupy just half of the zodiac as bisected by the nodal axis; this forms a Draconic Bowl. It occurs in one out of eight horoscopes (12.5%), and acts as a magnifying lens, amplifying whatever is found in that horoscope, good or bad. 20:15 Questions […]
£6.00 – £9.00
Event Series Free Beginners Astrology Classes

Week 4 – The Zodiac Signs (Part 2)

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Learn about the 12 zodiac signs, their elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water), and modalities (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable). The fourth class will continue the discussion from the previous week on the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of each zodiac sign and provide an understanding of how elements and modalities influence personality traits.

The Death Axis: Intergenerational Trauma and the Mars/Saturn Midpoint: Kate Hubert

Virtual Event Virtual Event
19:15 The ‘Death Axis’: Intergenerational Trauma and the Mars/Saturn Midpoint: Kate Hubert A case study exploring a traumatic event through the lens of the same midpoint across multiple generations of a family. This exploration provides a sense of the meaningful collaboration that takes place through a bloodline across time. 20:15 Questions / Discussion / Chart discussion
£6.00 – £9.00
Event Series Free Beginners Astrology Classes

Week 5 – The Houses

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Learn about the twelve astrological houses and their significance. The fifth class will introduce the meaning of houses, what areas of life they govern, and how planets and signs within houses influence an individual’s life.