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Week 1 – The Planets (Part 1)

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Explore the meanings of the Sun, Moon, and planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) in astrology. The first class in this series will discuss the significance of each planet, its symbolism, and the influence this has on an individual’s personality and life events.

Determining Significators in a Chart – Oner Doser 

Virtual Event Virtual Event
The significators in a natal chart do not only signify the native’s characteristics and her/his psychological profile. Within a chart, there are many significators that signify the native’s health, money, profession, children, other people in his life and many other things. These significators may be determined through some special techniques. The significators, which are crucial in reading a chart, help us to make more precise and detailed predictions regarding the native’s life.  In this presentation, Oner will teach how to determine significators of marriage, children, health, career and financial significators in some sample charts.
£6.00 – £9.00

Navigating a Pandemic with Astrology – Marcos Patchett

Steiner House 35 Park Road, London, United Kingdom
Virtual Event Hybrid Event
Medical and horary astrologer Marcos Patchett shares his astrological analysis of the recent COVID pandemic as it unfolded in real-time, including his use of astrology to make personal medical decisions, guide clients and patients, and develop treatment strategies. 
£6.00 – £9.00
Event Series Free Beginners Astrology Classes

Week 2 – The Planets (Part 2)

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Continue to explore the meanings of the Sun, Moon, and planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) in astrology. The second class will continue the previous week’s discussion regarding the significance of each planet, its symbolism, and the influence this has on an individual’s personality and life events.

Axial Chart Divisions and their use – Tania Daniels

Virtual Event Virtual Event
The chart division along the equinoctial line Aries-Libra divides the hemisphere in north and south, a distinction that is associated with the measurement of power. Each northern sign has a corresponding southern sign that is commands and hence each southern sign has a corresponding northern sign that is must obey. The division by the solstice axis, on the other hand, gives us the straight rising signs and the oblique rising signs which have distinct meanings and uses especially in horary and electional astrology. The antiscia or mirror points also derive from this division and link one straight rising with one oblique rising sign, establishing another chain of command.
£6.00 – £9.00
Event Series Free Beginners Astrology Classes

Week 3 – The Zodiac Signs (Part 1)

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Learn about the 12 zodiac signs, their elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water), and modalities (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable). The third class will include a detailed discussion on the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of each zodiac sign and provide an understanding of how elements and modalities influence personality traits.

Family Portrait: Physical Description in Nativities – Morgan Le Gall

Virtual Event Virtual Event
This presentation will delve into planetary symbolism when applied to physical description. Morgan will introduce a streamlined approach to physical description in the natal chart based on the foundational work of William Lilly. The focus will be on identifying the dominant planetary influence on the native’s body and how its impact can go beyond physical description. Starting with the example from Lilly’s book Christian Astrology, we will then look at a series of related nativities (same family). Additionally, time allowing, an example of the application of physical description in a horary chart will be briefly explored.
£6.00 – £9.00

The 7th House – Carole Taylor

Steiner House 35 Park Road, London, United Kingdom
Virtual Event Hybrid Event
The 7th house is much more than just the house of long-term relationship. It reveals a shadow element which we discover through encounters with others and in the journey towards individuation. This talk will explore the odyssey of the 7th house and how it shapes our lives, including its role in astrological consultancy and client work.
£6.00 – £9.00

Week 4 – The Zodiac Signs (Part 2)

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Learn about the 12 zodiac signs, their elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water), and modalities (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable). The fourth class will continue the discussion from the previous week on the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of each zodiac sign and provide an understanding of how elements and modalities influence personality traits.

New Stars for a New Era – Alan Clay

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Many astrologers believe that new planets are discovered when we are ready to incorporate the new consciousness represented by that planet into our existing consciousness. With the discovery of 10 new planets this century, we are entering a period of rapid consciousness development, and this is enabling a whole new understanding of whom and where we are. This talk is based on Alan’s new book, New Stars for a New Era: A Consciousness Workbook for our 10 New Planets. It will give an overview of the aspects of consciousness represented by each of our ten new planets and then go into more detail on Salacia – the higher octave of Venus and Mars combined – our new goddess of higher love consciousness who enables us to take leaps of faith. We will look at exercises to practically apply the energy, and at house interpretations with examples of famous people, to bring them to life.
£6.00 – £9.00

Ted Hughes’ Ephemeris and Sylvia Plath – Jessica Adams

Virtual Event Virtual Event
When Ted Hughes scribbled in The Concise Planetary Ephemeris for 1950 to 2000, what kind of astrology was he practising and what was on his mind? Two hand-drawn horoscopes in his ephemeris, for the publication of Birthday Letters give some clues. Underlined dates important in his marriage to Sylvia Plath, tell us the rest. The original ephemeris, now owned by Jessica Adams, will be used in this Zoom talk.
£6.00 – £9.00