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The Death Axis: Intergenerational Trauma and the Mars/Saturn Midpoint: Kate Hubert

Virtual Event Virtual Event
19:15 The ‘Death Axis’: Intergenerational Trauma and the Mars/Saturn Midpoint: Kate Hubert A case study exploring a traumatic event through the lens of the same midpoint across multiple generations of a family. This exploration provides a sense of the meaningful collaboration that takes place through a bloodline across time. 20:15 Questions / Discussion / Chart discussion
£6.00 – £9.00
Event Series Free Beginners Astrology Classes

Week 5 – The Houses

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Learn about the twelve astrological houses and their significance. The fifth class will introduce the meaning of houses, what areas of life they govern, and how planets and signs within houses influence an individual’s life.

Pre-Natal Lunations: Israel Ajose                                 

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Please note that this is a change from the previously-advertised talk by Komilla Sutton. 19:15 Pre-Natal Lunations: Israel Ajose One of the five traditional considerations in delineating a natal chart, known as the five places of life. Pre-Natal Lunations offer vital information and point to predictive time lord techniques that show major aspects of our […]
£6.00 – £9.00

Decumbiture Charts: Jadranka Coic

Steiner House 35 Park Road, London, United Kingdom
Virtual Event Hybrid Event
18:00 Chart discussion 18:45 Tea Break 19:00 Decumbiture Charts: Jadranka Coic Decumbiture comes from the Latin ‘Decumbo’ which means to lie down or to fall. Astrologers use the chart for the moment when a patient takes to their bed, or might make a chart for when they receive a urine sample against which to make […]
£6.00 – £9.00

Astrological Woodcuts – Every picture tells a story: Trav Travers

Virtual Event Virtual Event
19:15 Astrological Woodcuts. Every picture tells a story: Trav Travers These mesmerising images from Ages past convey complex information faster than words can. They provide an emotional stimulus too.  Bingo! Two for one. 20:15 Questions / Discussion / Chart discussion
£6.00 – £9.00
Event Series Free Beginners Astrology Classes

Week 7 – The Aspects (Part 1)

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Learn about the major aspects (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition) and how they influence the planets’ expression. The seventh class will provide explanation of how aspects between planets shape personality traits, behaviours, and life patterns.

The Twelfth House: Wanda Sellar

Virtual Event Virtual Event
19:15 The Twelfth House: Wanda Sellar The twelfth house in the natal chart is perhaps the second most difficult domain over which to triumph. The first being the eighth house. Ultimately, this is the house of self-sacrifice, serenity, and angelic intention.  20:15 Questions / Discussion / Chart discussion
£6.00 – £9.00

Vedic Rectification Techniques: Naomi Martin

Steiner House 35 Park Road, London, United Kingdom
Virtual Event Hybrid Event
18:00 Chart discussion 18:45 Tea Break 19:00 Vedic Rectification Techniques: Naomi Martin Naomi will discuss the natal chart of Sir John Woodruffe also known as Arthur Avalon and use his chart to demonstrate techniques to rectify natal charts using Vedic astrological methods and techniques where there is no designated time. Please note: This is a […]
£6.00 – £9.00
Event Series Free Beginners Astrology Classes

Week 8 – The Aspects (Part 2)

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Continue to learn about the major aspects (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition) and how they influence the planets’ expression. The eighth class will provide further explanation of how aspects between planets shape personality traits, behaviours, and life patterns.

Chiron – Beyond Suffering: Fernanda Paiva

Virtual Event Virtual Event
19:15  Chiron: Beyond Suffering: Fernanda Paiva Chiron, known as ‘The Wounded Healer’, is such an important part of the astrological chart. It’s one of the big driving forces behind our empathy, search for meaning, and even, in many cases, vocational choices.  There will be no Chart Discussion after this presentation due to the Lodge AGM
£6.00 – £9.00