Azimene Degrees and Past Lives – Wanda Sellar

March 17 @ 18:00 – 20:00 GMT
18:00 Ritual
18:45 Break
19:00 Azimene Degrees and Past Lives
Traditionally certain degrees in the chart are designated Lame and Deficient, which sound quite unfortunate, and often are, if accompanied by difficult planets and aspects. But what have they to do with past lives? Come and discover the connection.

Wanda Sellar
Wanda is the current President of the Astrological Lodge. She is also programme organiser, and co-editor of the Astrology Quarterly. She has taught in Europe and Japan, and has written several books on astrology, including the most recent ‘Chart Shapes: the code to interpretation.’ Wanda holds a Diploma from the Mayo School of Astrology and is a Q.H.P., having trained with Olivia Barclay. She trained as a counsellor and Regression Therapist, the latter at Regent’s College under Dr Keith Hearn.
Email: wandaelizabethsellar@gmail.com