Coffee & Crime

The Astrological Lodge of London presents

A New Zoom Seminar


You supply the coffee, we supply the crime,

Lectures of course.

(You can also view this event in the programme calendar.)

Saturday 4th September 2021

Lectures include


Wanda Sellar


Lucien Windrich


Gill Dorren


Santiago Mantas

See description and biographies below

General Enquiries:

Fees: £20 Lodge Members, £25 Others

£5 off for early bird payment before end June 2021



Some mass murderers are quite able to lead double lives. They can kill in cold blood and then go home and lead some semblance of normality, sometimes with wife and children. Such a one was Peter Sutcliffe, dubbed the Yorkshire Ripper, who in the 1970’s terrorised the women in the north of England. And yet such duality also existed in the life and chart of an individual who was initially held as a traitor and assassin, and then finally a hero. Let us examine this conundrum.

Biography: Wanda Sellar DMS.astrol., Q.H.P., holds a Diploma in Psychology and Counselling from University of London’s Institute of Education and is keenly interested in the psychology and pathology of the human psyche. To this end she has made medical astrology one of her main interests both from a physical and mental perspective. Her books include: The Consultation Chart, Introduction to Medical Astrology, Introduction to Decumbiture and Chart Shapes: The Code to Interpretation.. She is a past president of the Astrological Lodge of London and the editor of the A.A’s Astrology and Medicine Newsletter.


The killing spree of murderer Charles Whitman is disturbing on many levels. Abused and harshly disciplined by his father he went on to kill his mother and his wife in the early hours on 1 Aug 1966. Later that day, he climbed up a tower and shot and killed 17 pedestrians on the streets below, wounding 30 others. He knew there was something wrong with him, and his autopsy revealed he had a brain tumour.  I want to show how traditional astrology and dwarf planet astrology can reveal the different layers of his personality – his high IQ, his harsh disciplinarian upbringing and the likelihood of there being something physically wrong with his brain.

Biography: Lucien Windrich Lucien worked as a professional musician for many years and has a degree in anthropology. He began studying astrology in the early 90’s and completed the Diploma with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in 1994. He worked as production editor for the Astrology Quarterly for a while, is a regular speaker at the Lodge and is currently researching the significance of dwarf planets in astrology.


A great failure in law occurred when poor Timothy Evans was hanged (9th March 1950). A more heinous crime could not be imagined than murdering a wife and baby daughter. But it turned out that he was innocent. Gill will be examining his chart and that of John Christie’s, the real culprit, who eventually came face to face with the gallows. Also examined will be the event charts surrounding the biggest mishandling of justice ever in the United Kingdom.

Biography: Gill has been studying astrology and Cosmology for many years and is an Aquarian, with Scorpio rising, therefore she has strong humanitarian interests in the course of law. She is Treasurer of the Astrological Lodge and has been studying and practising Astrology for 30 years. She has particular interests in Cosmology (past and present) and is keen to fuse astrology with current cosmological theory. She has given many lectures on this at the Lodge. She also loves the history of the 17th century and helped organise the Astrologers Feast to celebrate the Lodges’ centenary at the Painters Hall, the original venue from the 17th century.

FAME AND INFAMY Santiago Mantas

19th Century Massachusetts, U.S.A., Lizzie Borden is charged and acquitted of the axe murders of her father and stepmother but was she really the culprit? The trial received widespread publicity throughout the United States, and has been widely depicted in rhyme and fiction. Despite her acquittal there are questions which remain unanswered. Some other cases will also be examined: the killing spree and ambush of Bonnie and Clyde as well as the attempted assassination of Alexei Navalny.

Biography: An astrologer for the past 40 years, Santiago Mantas, has been linked with the Astrological Lodge of London for much of that time. A frequent speaker at the Lodge, his most recent talks have included subjects such as Solar Arc, Great Composers, the Kray Brothers, Earthquakes, Pandemics, Accidents, and the assassination of Robert Kennedy. He is noted for his accuracy in prediction. For four years he was an astrology consultant for the “Mystic Meg live line”, using both natal and consultation charts. He has also lectured at the Astrological Association’s conferences. His particular interests are Natal, Psychological, Horary, Electional, Medical and Mundane (particularly the study and prediction of earthquakes). He is also a consultant astrologer as well as a concert pianist, conductor and composer.

Order of the Day

10:00 Log on and Israel’s address

10:15 Wanda Sellar

11:15 Break

11:30 Lucien Windrich

12:30 Lunch Break

13:15 Gill Dorren

14:15 Break

14:30 Santiago Mantas

15:30 General questions

16:00 End of Seminar


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