Free Beginners Astrology Classes

The Astrological Lodge of London offers a 10-week series of free online classes for those looking to get started or brush up on their astrology knowledge. The series provides an excellent foundation covering all the key components of astrology practice and natal chart interpretation.

Currently instructed by Israel Ajose, former President of the Lodge, an experienced astrology and tarot consultant with over 20 years experience. Classes are delivered via Zoom every Monday during term time – GMT 5:00pm-6:00pm

Ensure you RSVP to reserve your place on the class – a ‘Watch Now’ button will activate 15 minutes before the start of the class for anyone that has RSVP’d. You can also email Israel with any questions you have regarding the classes.

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Week 10 – Putting it all together

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Benefit from guided practice in chart interpretation, integrating knowledge of planets, signs, houses, aspects, and nodes. Practice interpreting basic elements of a natal chart, focusing on Sun, Moon, and Ascendant signs. The final class will give you the tools to begin to synthesize your knowledge of signs, planets, and houses to interpret astrological charts and […]