Home Events Autumn 2021 Water and the Thirst for Oneness – Ana Isabel

Water and the Thirst for Oneness – Ana Isabel

Our emotional landscape is as boundless as the sea. We yearn to connect with others. Sometimes this causes confusion as we forget about boundaries. What can the Element of water tell us about this yearning? In this talk, Ana Isabel explores a deeper understanding of the psyche, consciousness and the Soul through an exploration of the deeper lessons that the element of water offers us. Biography: Ana is an Astrologer, Hypnotherapist, Teacher and Broadcaster. Ana combines Hypnotherapy and Astrology to help unblock repressed aspects of the personality as well as working on the links between the Birth Chart, Karma and Pre-birth experiences. She is heard regularly on BBC radio and is now hosting an Astrology podcast, Lightways Astrology on Anchor FM, https://anchor.fm/ana-isabel55 You can follow her Astrological, and Hypnotherapy blogs at http://www.lifeastrologer.com or on Facebook.
Evening Lecture


Sep 20 2021


19:00 - 20:00




Wanda Sellar

Wanda is the current President of the Astrological Lodge. She is also the current programme organiser, and co-editor of the Astrology Quarterly.

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