Home Events Autumn 2021 Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology (3)    – Israel Ajose

Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology (3)    – Israel Ajose

Most of the various practices that we find in astrology today either have their roots or are influenced in traditional Hellenistic astrology. In this trilogy of lectures I will be demonstrating the approaches, understandings and techniques of how astrology was practised by the Hellenistic astrologers. We will be looking at the step-by-step approaches and considerations to understanding the natal chart. First we will be looking at the natures of the seven wanderers (7 planets), their significations, qualities and nature, and the approach to evaluating them. Biography: Israel Ajose D.Psych.Astro is an astrological teacher, transpersonal therapist consultant, and director of Astrology of the (Psyche) Soul, and has been practicing since 2007, after studying and completing full honours in psychological astrology at The Centre of Psychological Astrology. He is also the current President of the Astrological Lodge of London.
Evening Lecture


Oct 04 2021


20:30 - 21:30




Israel Ajose

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