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New Stars for a New Era – Alan Clay

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Many astrologers believe that new planets are discovered when we are ready to incorporate the new consciousness represented by that planet into our existing consciousness. With the discovery of 10 new planets this century, we are entering a period of rapid consciousness development, and this is enabling a whole new understanding of whom and where we are. This talk is based on Alan’s new book, New Stars for a New Era: A Consciousness Workbook for our 10 New Planets. It will give an overview of the aspects of consciousness represented by each of our ten new planets and then go into more detail on Salacia – the higher octave of Venus and Mars combined – our new goddess of higher love consciousness who enables us to take leaps of faith. We will look at exercises to practically apply the energy, and at house interpretations with examples of famous people, to bring them to life.
£6.00 – £9.00