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Ted Hughes’ Ephemeris and Sylvia Plath – Jessica Adams

Virtual Event Virtual Event
When Ted Hughes scribbled in The Concise Planetary Ephemeris for 1950 to 2000, what kind of astrology was he practising and what was on his mind? Two hand-drawn horoscopes in his ephemeris, for the publication of Birthday Letters give some clues. Underlined dates important in his marriage to Sylvia Plath, tell us the rest. The original ephemeris, now owned by Jessica Adams, will be used in this Zoom talk.
Get Tickets £6.00 – £9.00

Azimene Degrees and Past Lives – Wanda Sellar

Steiner House 35 Park Road, London, United Kingdom
Virtual Event Hybrid Event
Traditionally certain degrees in the chart are designated Lame and Deficient, which sound quite unfortunate, and often are, if accompanied by difficult planets and aspects. But what have they to do with past lives? Come and discover the connection.
Get Tickets £6.00 – £9.00

Week 8 – The Aspects and Chart Interpretation Basics

Virtual Event Virtual Event
The eighth class will provide explanation of how aspects between planets shape personality traits, behaviours, and life patterns, and tips for how to develop a holistic approach to reading and interpreting full astrological charts. Learn about the major aspects (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition) and how they influence the planets’ expression. Benefit from guided practice […]