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Electional Astrology and Planetary Magick

A selection of old clocks on a wall
Virtual Event Virtual Event

July 8 @ 19:15 21:00 BST

19:15 Electional Astrology and Planetary Magick: Israel Ajose

Choosing auspicious times to act was and still is an important branch of astrology. Planning a wedding? Scheduling surgery? Buying a house? How do you choose a date and time that offers the best chance of success? The odds are in your favour when you plan life events using electional astrology-a branch of astrology that helps you align with the power of the universe. In this lecture you will learn to pinpoint the optimal time to place a bet, buy a diamond ring, adopt a pet, open or close a business, take a trip, move, file an insurance claim, go to war, take an exam, schedule a job interview, and just about anything else! 

20:15 Questions / Discussion / Chart discussion

£6.00 – £9.00 Member/Non-Member
Israel Ajose

Israel Ajose

Israel Ajose D.Psych.Astro is an astrological teacher, transpersonal therapist consultant, and director of Astrology of the (Psyche) Soul, and has been practicing since 2007, after studying and completing full honours in psychological astrology at The Centre of Psychological Astrology. He is also a past president of the Astrological Lodge of London.


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