Donate to the Lodge

“Empower Astrology’s Future—Support the Astrological Lodge of London Today!”
Please give what you can

The Astrological Lodge of London has been a foundation of astrological education and exploration for over a century. Founded by Alan Leo in 1915, the Lodge is the oldest astrology association in the Western world.

Donations to the Lodge, which is a registered charity, support its mission to provide free classes, inspiring webinars, and preserve astrological knowledge for future generations. Your contribution helps keep this important legacy alive, nurturing both emerging and experienced astrologers alike.

Join in supporting this invaluable resource for astrological learning and community. 

Suggested donations:

£10 will contribute to the overheads of the Lodge.
£20 will cover the Lodge’s Zoom fees for one month.
£50 will cover the speaker’s fee for one webinar.
£100 will cover room hire fees for one in-person seminar.
£250 will cover the website fees for one year.
£500 will cover the print costs of one edition of The Quarterly.