October Stars

October 2021 Horoscopes by Adam Fronteras

ARIES Mar 21 – Apr 20

The next four weeks is your chance to shine. You need to put your foot down on the pedal as this is not a time to stall as you need start fast or else you could miss out on the opportunities. It is important though that you are decisive and are sure you have made the right decision


TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21

Changes in relationships are occurring for you. On a positive note, new romances are also coming in for some of you. If you feel that you are being held back by others then you are likely to rebel. You will be asking yourself if this person in your life is your soul mate, and do you want to spend Halloween with them!


GEMINI May 22 – Jun 21

Travel plans seem to be disrupted at the moment, but it is just a case of leaving it a few weeks and then you will find that everything clicks back into place. You may find yourself acting as peacemaker at sorting out someone else’s dispute. Your skill at being able to see both sides of a problem will allow you to mediate a solution.

CANCER Jun 22 – Jul 23

You seem to be unsure of your next step and whether to take the plunge. You seem to be worried, perhaps even a little down and others around you are noticing that your sense humour is lacking. You feel a little misunderstood but as you move forward over the next few weeks and concentrate on your plans you will find yourself rewarded.

LEO Jul 24 – Aug 23

This really is a great month for you. You seem to have loads of energy, and this is going to lead to success in your work environment where you may be asked to take on more leadership responsibilities. You will also find that this is also a month of family celebrations, so it is certainly going to be a busy month


VIRGO Aug 24-Sep 23

It is important that you know what you are working on as you could find yourself with too many choices. Every project under the sun seems to be coming your way and you would really like the opportunity to concentrate on one thing at a time. You need to make sure that you do not become to distracted.


LIBRA Sep 24 – Oct 23

It can be a difficult time in relationships for you. Your mind is far away and thinking of the long-term future. You are trying to over analyse it. On a positive note, there is a chance to let your hair down at end of the month and you could find an opportunity arrives out of the blue.

SCORPIO Oct 24 – Nov 22

This will be an expensive month, so you need to make sure that all the ducks are in a row. It looks as if you may be planning an expensive purchase, but you need to make sure that you can afford the outlay. It is not a time for borrowing more than you can afford. You may find a short delay works in your favour.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 – Dec 21

Even though you feel some frustration and concerns, you really don’t have to be worried as this is really going to be a pleasant and successful month for you, just don’t expect everything to happen overnight. It may be that messages just take some time to reach you. It may even take you back to the days you had to wait on the post rather than an email.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 – Jan 20

You feel a little bit down, as summer is over. Relationships and friendships seem to feel restrictive, and you may feel that some friendship need to be dropped but remember that behind every dark cloud is bright sunshine and something new and stronger is coming in which will sweep you out of any gloom you are feeling currently.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 – Feb 19

Travel plans at the beginning of the month are disrupted and it is not just journeys but everything seems to be delayed. However, it is only for a short while. You may just have to change the arrangements. You may find yourself treading on eggshells and so also don’t try and rush others.

PISCES Feb 20-March 20

You need to make a steady plan as you seem to be running in all directions and as a result not actually making progress. It is possible that you need to leave some ideas and people behind as you prepare for next year. For you this month is about starting a new year pre-preparation.

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