HIS story
Alan Leo
The Astrological Lodge of London would not exist if not for Alan Leo. Christened William Fredrick Allan, Leo is accredited with ‘modernising’ astrology and undoubtedly oversaw a huge renewed interest in the art.
His own interest was ignited following a visit to a doctor who used Leo’s natal chart to discern his ailment and treatment. This spurred a lifetime’s work in authorship, publishing, data collecting and founding of various organisations, including the Astrological Lodge with Leo placing his wife, Bessie, as the first president of the Lodge.
These accomplishments, as a prolific Leo (with a 12th house stellium), opening the door to an astrological revival in the 20th century and securing the gratitude of all contemporary astrologers, truly earns him his legendary status.
“Mr Alan Leo is so well-known among all who are interested in astrology, and he has done so much to raise astrology from the position of superstition to that of a science, that any book from his pen is sure of a welcome among serious students. His books are the ripe outcome of his long experience and thorough knowledge of his subject summarised for the benefit of his younger brethren.”
Annie Besant
(in The Theosophist, February 1911)
Alan Leo's Astrological Data
Alan Leo was born on 7 August 1860, at around 6am in London, England. As well as changing his name to Alan Leo, in reflection of his Leo stellium, he also rectified his natal chart from 6:00am to 5:49am, putting Saturn rising on his ascendant.